Webinar: Nurses Leading Non-Profit Organizations in the 21st Century--June 23, 2023

  • 07/15/2024
  • 06/21/2025
  • viritual


  • Nurses often provide leadership in community organizations and professional associations. Nurses and other professionals are frequently not prepared for organizational leadership. Leadership competencies are not emphasized in nursing education and role preparation. Data from the literature and expert opinion indicate that many nurses feel inadequately prepared when fulfilling a leadership role. This session focuses on preparing nurses for successful leadership in non-profit organizations.

    Learning outcome:

  • 1.    Identify competencies that are present in effective nurse leaders.


Activity Title: Nurses Leading Non-Profit Organizations in the 21st Century

Activity Date: June 22, 2023



1)    Approval Statement

This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the Northeast Multistate Division Education Unit, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

2)    Learner Outcome

Nurses will identify competencies that are present in effective nurse leaders.

3)    Criteria for Successful Completion

To receive contact hours the participant must attend 100% of the activity and submit a completed self-evaluation form and post-test.

4)    Relevant Financial Relationship

This educational activity does not include any content that relates to the products and/or services of an Ineligible company with whom there is a financial relationship.

5)    Commercial Support

There is no commercial support being received for this event.

6)    Expiration date for Enduring Materials

Origination Date:  June 22, 2023

Expiration Date: June 21, 2025

You have 72 hours to complete the module for ANCC credit.  

The link for your webinar is  

Your webinar registration has been completed. You have 72 hours to complete the webinar and submit the self-evaluation and post-test for ANCC credit. The evaluation form can be found at: 

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